relationship hypnotherapy

Transform your life for good.

I’m a coach and hypnotherapy practitioner who helps people redefine their connection to themselves and others. Let’s navigate your mind together.

Explore the unconscious mind.

As a hypnotherapy practitioner, I help you deepen your journey of self-awareness through work in the unconscious mind. Whether you need support with a psychological issue, behavioural modifications, or reducing stress, you’ll be amazed by hypnotherapy.

Heal from past relationships.

Previous unhealthy relationships often leave lasting patterns of fear and anxiety that can shadow your future connections. Together, we’ll find and shift these patterns, so you can foster healthy relationships and bring more joy into your life.

Discover your true self.

If you're looking to build a stronger connection with yourself, I'm here to support your journey. I'll help you nurture true self-confidence and guide you towards your most authentic self by collaboratively identifying patterns holding you back from living your best life.

We learn a lot about ourselves through relationships.

I facilitate profound self-reflection and personal growth so you can connect with yourself, your relationships, and your sense of purpose.

Individualized Guidance

I believe that, with the right coach, we have the ability to improve our lives and, ultimately, others’ lives too. With my clients, I create a safe and thoughtful environment that helps you identify and change negative beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing fulfillment.

Effective tools

Hypnotherapy is similar to a guided meditation, but more transformative because it allows us to access, reprocess, and update negative meanings, feelings, and beliefs held in the unconscious mind. Through this modality, I help you open a path to more confidence, clarity, calm, and connection.

Personal transformation

Through our work with the conscious and unconscious mind, I help clients master their inner narrative and recognize their full potential.

Experience coaching that’s as unique as you.

My practice is tailored to your personal narrative, blending key areas of specialty to support your unique path to self-discovery and growth.


Finding your purpose can transform your life. I help you align your actions with your deeper goals and values for a life filled with intention and fulfillment.


Solutions for personal growth often lie deep within. My hypnotherapy work safely accesses the unconscious mind for positive change.


Our beliefs shape our reality, and I will identify which ones influence your thoughts and actions while challenging those that may be holding you back.


Together, we’ll identify and modify behaviors that aren't serving you, paving the way for positive changes and healthier habits in your daily life.


Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being. Our work will strengthen your ability to establish and maintain meaningful relationships.


Unlocking your true self is the cornerstone of our work together. We’ll explore who you are, what defines you, and ways to live a more authentic life.

I’m Sonia Romano.

I understand your challenges first-hand.

I've experienced the fear of confronting difficult emotions, the struggle of feeling disconnected from oneself and others, and the overwhelm of navigating uncertainties in my relationships. But I've also experienced the power of the unconscious mind.

Now, I share my expertise in coaching and hypnotherapy with individuals seeking to deepen their connections and find fulfilment. Having worked as a therapist and in the behavior health field for decades, I help my clients uncover confidence, navigate existing or new relationships, and create a life filled with authentic connections and joy.

    • Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

    • Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy practitioner

    • Certified OBA Hypnotherapist and coach

    • Trained in Imago Couples Therapy

as seen on

Uncover what sets me apart.

My coaching is enriched by my own life's hurdles. I've walked this path and I deeply understand the challenges you face.


I believe—and know—that true fulfillment comes from nurturing genuine connections with ourselves and with others.


Everything I offer is designed to meet you where you are and support your unique journey.


My integration of hypnotherapy allows us to go deeper into the mind, transform patterns, and shape our relationships for good.


  • "I have become confident and strong."

    “She has taught me how to communicate more effectively and thereby empower myself. Through the skills and tools she provided, I have become confident, strong in my choices, and have learned to set boundaries without feeling guilty. Sonia challenges you and the work is not always comfortable, but well worth it! She does truly listen and takes into consideration what your life entails, your background, and where you’d like to go in your future. She is curious to learn about the unique person you are and the gifts you possess to help you achieve your goals. Through hard work and commitment in working with Sonia, my relationships at work, home and socially have become healthier.”

    Robin D

  • "A tremendously life-changing experience."

    “She has helped me through my relationship struggles while simultaneously overcoming my issues with self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, and self-love. We all tend to look at our partner as the source of our struggles, but it is important to look within at the root of the cause. Sonia’s strength lies in challenging how we think and speak about ourselves, specially if we struggle with negative emotions, and finding new ways to express ourselves that both benefit us and our partner. Oh– and she has the most soothing voice for meditation ever! I would highly recommend Sonia to anyone who wishes to better their lives with their partner while also find self-love.”

    Maridalia C

  • "I am able to show up as my authentic self."

    “Sonia has been life-changing for me. She has helped me understand and heal my wounds to a point where I no longer blame those closest to me for my pain. Her experienced skill set has taught me methods to forgive and take full responsibility for myself and my actions. This has resulted in a much improved relationship with my wife and children. I am able to show up as my authentic self now and when I am struggling, her methods have given me a practical roadmap to getting back on track. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to heal and live their highest life.”

    Bryan S

  • "She is adept at getting right to the cause."

    “Working with Sonia comes so easily; she is relatable, relevant, and always ready to meet me where I am and help me see how to move forward. Sonia has helped me to gain an awareness of myself and appreciate my life’s journey. She is adept at getting right to the cause, no matter how stuck I am in the symptoms. Sonia’s also gifted at guiding me to shift to what is possible and beneficial for me. The result of my time with Sonia has been nothing short of life-changing and has benefited me and those around me tremendously. I highly recommend Sonia to anyone wishing to get real results.”

    Chalene C

  • "I would highly recommend Sonia."

    “She has taught me the importance of self-awareness and I’ve become a more confident woman because of her guidance. She has played a crucial role in my personal growth. Sonia has provided support and strategies to help me develop healthier relationships and connections that are more fulfilling. Her strengths are that she is an active listener, patient, builds true connections with her clients, and is focused on helping you achieve personal goals. The results of working with her are transformative! I definitely recommend her services.”

    Karen L

  • "Sonia is an incredible coach."

    “Sonia has a beautiful gift of listening and allows her client to express themselves fully. I am now more of a free spirit, calmer, and confident women. I’ve found myself again and became a new happy person. Sonia helped me break free from my past, and ultimately get back to my authentic self. I feel like a better person and a better mother for my child. I feel peace and love in life again. She taught me how to trust people again. I am looking forward to my bright future and it’s so much easier to do it with such a wonderful professional as Sonia. She saved my life. I’ll be forever grateful for Sonia’s help.”

    Anzhelika K

  • "She genuinely cares about her clients."

    “Sonia is a pleasure. She has helped me to focus and get unstuck both personally and professionally. She is organized, professional, and thinks outside the box. I feel that she genuinely cares about her clients. Sonia has great ideas and she really gets me to think and take ownership of my life. Sonia helps me to see my strengths and focus on what I’m able to change. I would recommend her to anyone looking to level up their life!”

    Kim Schneider

  • "She is someone you want on your team."

    “Although it has been challenging work, it has also been such a joy and a blessing to have her support and wisdom guiding me as I processed situations and issues which then helped me to move ahead with clarity and purpose in my life. She is absolutely someone you want on your team as her insight and counsel have been the most effective at helping me make changes, take steps, and even leaps forward in my life. She listens carefully and helps you see into yourself to address what’s in the way of your potential and gives you tools to help you reach it! On top of that, she is kind, loving, heart-centered, and hilarious.“

    Lynn D

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